Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Once we were warriors......

Once we were warriors....goes the title from a great film out of New Zealand. But what about us? What about the United States? Where did we falter along the path? Are the Islam-O-Fascists correct? Did our culture undo us? The video games that are advertised on TV certainly aren't what I asked for. We were given Pong and silly games to take us away from reality....not into a world where we are tasked with weapon systems and special forces tactics. How about the ones where you can car-jack, kill civilians and rape all in the name of fun? Where is Tetris when we need her? They say, "Rated M for mature".....really? Thanks for the insight, but you already got the visuals and themes into my 7 year old you morons. The world is turning downward like the Titantic before she slipped into the cold Atlantic. Bribes, payoffs, random killings, web suicides, reality's all telling us something if we listen. We were once the leader on this rock, three clicks away from the sun. Now we are at the mercy of the world for money and greenhouse emissions. We should have sealed....fricking SEALED the borders of this country September 12, 2001. No one in and no one out until we sort out what the heck took place. Yes I too dislike Bush....but not for what most of you do. I find him a weak soul who didn't do what was needed after 9/11. We should have cleaned house, brother. Do you recall that beautiful September morning? Did life change for you that day? It did for me.....though I wonder what it will take for all of us to remember. And, if we do.....what will we do about it? Save the banks? Save the Auto industry? Save the environment from oil drilling? We're thinking too small; We should save ourselves and our country. And we should do it quick......before "they" get here in great numbers and slit our throats.

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