Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Tortue at GITMO and LEGO toys

Today many musicians are whining about their music...their art...being used as a torture technique at Guantanamo Bay naval Base, Cuba. I say shut up and enjoy the publicity and buzz in an age of downloads and diminishing record sales. Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez authorized it back in 2003, "to create fear, disorient ... and prolong capture shock." Forget that....I have two kids who love LEGO toys......ever stepped on one of those really, really tiny bastards in bare feet? I have! I stepped on one such piece and was carrying a large box which prohibited me from immediately lifting my foot and thus I had to keep pressing downward and twisting it in as I balanced the load in my didn't break the skin (maybe those dude who walk on nails are legit) but the pain was ranked #5 on my all-time list of pains. It wouldn't even some out of my foot when I did lift it just embedded itself in the arch.....I say toss 1000 tiny LEGO pieces on the floor of their cell and let the terrorist dance! I obviously am for keeping GITMO open for business as we aren't done with those bad guys for a while. BTW, LEGO toys were first unveiled to the world in 1973 at the Toy Fair in Europe.

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